Pet Services

Pet and Animal Rescues
Find reputable pet rescue and adoption agencies in your area, to report or find a pet in need.

Pet Breeders
Locate breeders for any pet you'd like. Dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, fish, reptiles, even horses! Read vital information on what to look for in a qualified breeder.

Pet Groomers
Primp, puff, scrub and fluff your cat or dog. Click here to find your beautiful pet groomer.

Pet Trainers
Here's a quick link to sourcing canine and feline trainers in your local area, both inside the US and worldwide.

Pet Sitters
Find in our directory a qualified sitter to watch that extra member in your family while you get away!

Doggy Daycare
Dogs are social animals who get bored and can get into trouble if left alone all day. Doggie Daycare to the rescue!

Pet Boarders
Need a safe, professional place to board your pet while you're away? Click here for a list of top boarding houses worldwide.

Pet Supplies & Products
Click here to find the locals pet shops and stores for all your pet supply needs.

Pet Photographers Need a portrait of your fluffy friend? Find a Pro who can capture their special qualities!

Misc. Pet Services
Dog Walkers, Pooper Scoopers, Pet Portraits, Pet Massage and more!

Pet Friendly Lodging
A state-by-state directory of all overnight lodgings that are just as happy to see your pet as you are!

Pet Hospitals/Vets
In need of some medical attention or just a plain checkup?  Locate a veterinarian or animal hospital in your area.

Pet Cemeteries/Mortuaries
Find that perfect place to commemorate your special friend.

Pet Lawyers
For your entire pet legal needs. Click here to find attorneys in your area.

Pet Actor Leads
Does your pet have the certain something? Star quality? Find the agencies to help you make your pet a star!

Find Pet Groomers in your State and around the world. If you are a pet groomer, contact us or see our ad rates to get your information in our directory!

Search for all your pet service, pet information, and pet insurance needs. Find everything you need to keep your pet happy, safe, and healthy!

Designer Dogs - A Bundle Of Joy... Or A Heap Of Trouble?
Special Report will show you the good, the bad and the ugly facts about designer dogs so you can make an informed decision

More Dog Information

Grooming Your Dog
Disease Prevention
Clipping Dog Nails
Feeding Your Dog
Dog Ear Problems
Canine Parasites
Buying A Puppy
Canine First Aid
Dog Breeders
Pet Boarders
Dog Origins
Dog Books

Main Channels
Dogs Cats Fish
Birds Horses Rabbits
Reptiles Exotic Donkeys


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